
EECS 285 Project 4: Preparing Files for Submission

This guide will walk you through preparing the files required to submit Project 4.

Files to Submit


This should be a zip archive of the src directory of your Android project. The directory should be located at app/src under your main project folder. You can create the archive at the command line if you have the zip utility installed:

$ cd app  # enter app directory under the main project folder
$ zip -r src.zip src

You can also follow the platform-specific instructions below.


This is the configuration file for building your app. It is located at app/build.gradle. Do NOT submit the build.gradle file that is outside of the app directory.



Open your project in Android Studio. At the top left, right click on src:

Select “Reveal in Finder”:

This will open up a Finder window, where you can see the src folder. Right click on it and select “Compress “src””:

You will now have the required src.zip in the current folder:



Open your project in Android Studio. At the top left, right click on src and select “Show in Explorer”:

This will open up an Explorer window, where you can see the src folder. Right click on it and select “Send to” and then “Compressed (zipped) folder”:

You will now have the required src.zip in the current folder. Explorer may not show the .zip extension, but the file does have it, and you can tell by the zipper on the icon as well as the type that it is a zip file: